

Ben Roberts

So it turns out that I am a Xennial. A micro generation born between Generation X and Millenials. I belong at last somewhere, as this micro generation always felt part more Millenial than not. Apart from being born between when the Star Wars trilogy was made, the key attributes are having experienced an analogue childhood and a digital adulthood. A generation that spans both realms. Dan Woodman, an associate professor of Sociology at the University of Melbourne in Australia who came up with the term  says another key attribute is Xennials can possess both the cynicism of Generation X and the optimism and drive of Millenials. It’s interesting that this micro generation has a name now because whilst not digital natives we certainly had a lot of digital influences from an early age. It just wasn’t as fast paced and widely spread as it is now. So do you agree with the new term Xennials and what they stand for?