
Time for a Change

Ben Roberts

When it's time to find a new job it can be a frustrating process yet ultimately rewarding. 

 Every company employs their own way of the interview process. Some work well for their company, some not so well. 

 The interview process begins from the moment of initial contact. Spelling mistakes and grammar are important. Don't spray and pray the same letter round and accidentally forget to type the write the correct company's name or the get the name wrong of the person you are contacting.

 If you seem a potential fit, then for the first meeting, be prepared. Find out what you can about the company and whom you are meeting first. Know what value you can add to the company. Have questions to ask, be ready to be asked the unexpected. 

 Sometimes it's about chemistry, sometimes it's about skills but you won't know until you have the first conversation.

 And if that goes well, that's when you need to double your efforts to land the job! 

 And if you don't, you deserve the right of reply and feedback as to why so you can improve for next time. What have your experiences been in finding new jobs and any good stories to share?