Work & Life

The lost art of handwriting

Ben Roberts

With Instagram replacing postcards, emails taking over letters, mostly all we see is type now.

 How someone writes is extremely revealing and personal.

 A reflection of character,

 Big, outgoing personalities tend to write in large letters. Shy, introverted types prefer to write small. If you have average-sized writing, it demonstrates a strong ability to focus and concentrate. 

 The spacing of words is also insightful. Large spaces between words demonstrate freedom and indepence whilst if you squeeze your words together you like the company of others.

 Even the pressure of the pen signifies your character. Heavy pen pressure can suggest tension and anger, a moderately heavy pressure is a sign of commitment. A soft pressure means you're empathetic and sensitive. 

 Your writing can reveal a little about you but more importantly a hand-written note can hold more meaning to who receives it. 

 So, next time you want praise someone or thank someone, write them a note instead of an email.

 It means more and is greatly appreciated. 

 The personal touch never goes unnoticed.