Tech World

The LinkedIn Saga

Ben Roberts

Linkedin launched in 2003, it was mainly about posting jobs and employers being able to find job seekers.

A job board for the millennium. As it's the most prolific job site in the world with over 500 millions members,

I am starting to wonder what it actually stands for.

People still obviously hunt for jobs, and people still find jobs. People take pride in growing their connections with people they have never met. People complain an awful lot in their posts. The pulse feature never took off and the algorithms seem to work in a bizarre way. The groups have large numbers yet little activity.

There's also a lot of negativity right now. While there are plenty of positives, I read interesting links being shared,connected with fascinating people and have access to them too.The content that's being shared sometimes doesn't seem too business focussed. I also have great relationships with Linkedin employees like Jared Sternbach, Stacey Albert and Lokman Yusof who could not be more helpful.

It just seems a little lost. It's difficult on mobile and there seems a lot of selling of features that don't add much value. For the 20th most popular site in the world, there seems plenty of work to do.

Curious to know your experiences and why you use it, what you want from it.