Tech World

The Iphone- 10 years on

Ben Roberts

The IPhone . 

Today is ten years on from its original launch. And what an impact it made. 

We talk about transformation a lot. Regardless of industry because of the power of this phone. 

The iPhone created new world of access, developers and entrepreneurs. 3.6 million apps available. Thousands of opportunities were created. 

Why we still call it a phone I wonder, as we hardly make calls on it compared to what else we use the computer in our pocket for. 

In 2007 only one tech company was top 5 in business now it is 4 out 5. Whilst we all participated in killing off companies, we also see leaders who grow to fast and don’t learn core management skills as we have seen with Uber. 

Our lives maybe easier and surely better but we have lost a lot of the simple things. Don't you miss interaction with people in real time and the memories you make without every checking their phones every two minutes? 

 It's the future but we need balance, what do you think?