Work & Life

The art of listening

Ben Roberts

A wise man once told me that you are born with two ears and one mouth. Therefore you should listen more than you speak. 

Hearing is an ability, listening is a skill. What are people really trying to say, and how are they conveying it. Thinking about what you are going to say next before they have finished might mean you have missed the major point they are trying to get across. Communication is what brings people together and ideas are often created from random conversations and listening to each other's point of view. 

So take a breath sometimes before replying and you may come up with a better solution. Great leaders are often great listeners because they take the time to soak in all the facts. 

So next time you find yourself rushing to speak, perhaps press the pause button for a moment. 

Am sure everyone has had good and bad experiences in this area. Any other ideas about how to listen better? #listening #skills #hearing #communication