
Slash and Burn now it’s about Slash and Earn

Ben Roberts

Although the name might sound like something coined from a horror movie, a Slasher is someone who holds multiple jobs simultaneously. 

 Previously the domain of aspiring actors waiting tables, the slasher is now a multi skilled busy, digitally savvy entrepreneur. 

 Their careers eliminate boredom and get the creative juices flowing. One minute you can a personal trainer, the next running an e-shop or being vlogger. 

 It allows flexibility and different streams of income. 

 The freelance lifestyle truly embraced. 

 As the traditional one career notion slowly dies down, the rise of the Slasher will continue. 

 My only wish is that there was a more positive word to describe it! 

 How many of you are slashers out there or know of those who have interesting multiple careers?