Work & Life

Second Chances

Ben Roberts

Yesterday the Golden State Warriors clinched the NBA Championship regaining their crown after losing it the year before. If you get a second chance at something you should always take it. 

Look at Frank Abagnale. More famous for the movie “Catch Me If You Can” starring Leonardo Di Caprio. Between the age of 15 and 21, he had 8 different identities including an airline pilot. He escaped from police custody twice before he was finally caught. He served his time and then took his second chance, this time legally. He works with the FBI as a consultant and started a financial fraud consultancy company. His second chance came to work on the right side of the law. 

People deserve a second chance as there are many factors that could have made the first chance fail, whether that be their boss, the work situation, the wrong skills. 

Always give people a chance to tell their story, then decide if the second chance should be earned. 

Am sure you have stories to share of a time you got a second chance?