
Normality is a paved road

Ben Roberts

Normality is a paved road, it’s comfortable to walk but no flowers grow on it, so said Vincent Van Gogh. 

uessing on what your interpretation of normality is, this quote is staying on the straight and narrow, you miss the opportunity to experience and see some wondrous things in your life. 

 And that’s ok, everyone deserves the right to choose the path they live. In the same vein, there are those who want to see the flowers grow.

 Humans and flowers share similarities. They grow, they blossom, and become fully matured. Although we get a whole lot more, even if it can be filled with complexities and ambiguity. At least that gives us the opportunity to learn and change.

 A cobbled road with bumps and cracks with stories to tell holds a lot more intrigue than a paved road, unless you are wearing high heels! There is plenty of the world to explore, adventures to have and stories to tell. You want to able to leave a legacy that’s memorable to your family, friends and all those other lives you have touched. 

Normality may mean quiet contentment in this context, but like the famous book Maurice Sendak wrote, aren’t you curious to find where the wild things are?

 I know I am.

 What’s something you would like to experience?