Work & Life

Mystery and Curiosity

Ben Roberts

 In 1971 DB Cooper bought a plane ticket and hijacked a flight between Portland and Seattle. 

He whispered and passed a note to a flight attendant saying he had a bomb. He asked and received for a ransom of $200,000 once he had the money, he then parachuted off the flight and disappeared forever. 

After years of trying to crack the mystery, the FBI never solved the case and only officially suspended the active case in 2016.  

To this day no-one no knows the fate of DB Cooper. 

 So many questions yet so little answers. 

 Today we face similar challenges we don't always know why something happened or think we can always solve the problem. 

 Perhaps that's a good thing, a little mystery keeps us on our toes and the curiosity alive.

 Do you have any anecdotes of things that keep you wondering? Or stories of mysteries you have solved?