
Music makes the world go round

Ben Roberts

All over lives music has played an important role. 

From the early days of radio and vinyl then the innovative invention of blank cassettes when we were then able to record our favourite songs from the radio, hoping the dj wouldn’t talk too long before we pressed record! 

The launch and price of cds in the 80’s were a massive game shifter. The invention of the Walkman was amazing. 

The 90’s provided us with cd discmans and MP3 players before Napster came along as one of of the originally disrupters.

 And who could forget Steve Job’s classic iPod with 1000 songs in our pockets. 

We are all thought the music industry was going to die but they have bounced back and collaborated with companies like Spotify. 

It also means our favourite artists tour more and and are more willing to work with brands. Instead of being disrupted, the music industry learnt to adapt and change. 

Something we can all learn from.