Work & Life

Knowledge & Wisdom

Ben Roberts

It is said that knowledge is knowing tomato is a fruit and that wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad. 

We spend most of days consuming information. Gaining knowledge from watching tv, checking our smartphones, reading books. Having knowledge makes us feel smart and gives us confidence in impressing people whether that be colleagues or friends. 

But should that be all we strive for? 

How about wisdom? 

There are far fewer people who are wise than knowledgable, this means they actually practise what they preach. 

If knowledge is knowing a lot of stuff, wisdom is knowing how to retain and implement that stuff into practical situations. Someone who reads a book about business and starts their own, or learns from their experiences and adapts accordingly. 

Knowledge is easy, wisdom takes effort. 

It would be more preferable to take advice from someone who has run the gauntlet as opposed to the one who shouts the loudest. Time to start using our knowledge more wisely then!