
Intuition beating Big Data

Ben Roberts

Whilst the phrase big data has become a buzzword over the last few years when hiring people intuition and chemistry should win every time. 

The candidate may have all the credentials and all the data adds up, but then you meet and your instincts should be able to distinguish whether they can fit within the company's culture, the team they will be working with and if they believe in the company's purpose. 

Data can be helpful in the sourcing and identifying of candidates but too much is overload and can be interpreted in different ways. 

We are all humans and not robots yet and meeting a candidate and understanding them as a human and how they can fit and help grow the company on it's journey beats information on paper every time.

 We can all contribute but we need to be believed in to achieve and that can only happen through conversation and intuition. The best talent and fit don't always have the best data. 

How have your experiences been as a candidate when you got a job because of the chemistry and fit?