Work & Life


Ben Roberts

Discovering your purpose with the help of a Japanese technique called Ikigai. 

Having a purpose in life is something that helps define us yet it is difficult to find a way to discover it succinctly yet having purpose has proved crucial in people living happier lives. 

The word Ikigai is a combination of two Japanese words. ‘Iki’ which means to live and ‘kai’ which means the realisation of what hopes for you. 

Ikigai then helps you discover your purpose by asking four clear questions which should make it simpler for you. 

 What do you love? 

What are you good at?

 What does the world need from you? 

What can you get paid for? 

 So there you have it, if you can answer those questions and thread the needle to link them, you may well indeed have found your purpose.