
Generation Z

Ben Roberts

Generation Z-The post millenial movement.

The last few years all the talk has been about hipsters, experiences, how millennials prefer artisan coffee and craft beer. I am not hearing much about Generation Z. This means anyone born in the late 90’s/early 2000s. Their characteristics are generally being loyal, compassionate, thoughtful, open-minded, responsible, and determined.Less self centred and less ego of previous generations.

This is good news for brands as these kind of characteristics mean loyalty. Generation Z are typically going to be comfortable with technology, having intertacted on social media websites for a significant portion of their life to fulfil their social needs.

Growing up through the Great Recession has given the generation a feeling of unsettlement and insecurity which you can understand given they have never lived through a boom era and that would certainly make them more risk adverse

What are their drives and expectations and when will we hear start hearing more as they enter the work force?

Would love to hear some insights from you about your thoughts on Generation Z and how they will change the world in their way like the millennials did.