Tech World

Digital Detox

Ben Roberts

Digital detox in the screenage world.

 As we all live in a world now where it’s hard to escape screens, whether it’s a phone, tablet, computer or tv, it’s important we don’t get lured in constantly chasing the thrill. 

It’s been written that social media can be addictive as cocaine because of the endorphins released when you scroll through and see the likes come in. It’s reassuring on a strange level and makes you feel valued. 

Crazy really,  when 20 years ago you would never searched for that high. I heard a child say the other day 'I am going to dab when I play fifa online to annoy the other player’ a sentence I never said nor would have understood when I was young. 

We think we can’t live without our phones or checking in but it’s worth a try. 

Don’t forget the beauty of the world we live in and the experiences we can have through our own eyes not just through a screen. 

To use an internet acronym IRL, sometimes it is best in reality and to live in the moment undisturbed.