
Cutting Apart to Put Back Together

Ben Roberts

The cut-up technique. 

Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Kurt Cobain and Thom Yorke are all writers of some of the most popular songs to have been written.

 What they share in common is an unusual technique they used to come up with their lyrics. 

The cut-up technique is literally that. Writing a load of words on a piece of paper then cutting them up and moving them around to put together the lyrics.

 With it’s roots in the Dadaist art movement the cut-up technique was discovered by William S. Burroughs, who was a tremendous influence on Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan relied on the method to make his distinctly literary style sound a bit more musical and mysterious. Thom Yorke wrote ‘Kid A’ by pulling lines of a hat. David Bowie used the technique as both a compositional tool and a means of finding inspiration. 

This technique allows songwriters to arrive at some pretty interesting idea combinations and while the lyrics might not always make complete sense they certainly help work with the tune. 

 Not sure if it would work for your next presentation though where you need it to flow and make sense to those listening!