
Creativity and Chefs

Ben Roberts

With the popular Netflix show Chef’s Table having a major impact round the world. There are three key lessons about being a master in your field. 

Great art comes from mastery. Mastery comes from deep specialization. It’s all about focus and specialization. The 10,000 hours theory from Malcom Gladwell rings some truth here. 

In any creative field, progression is important. Look how the world constantly evolves in business, staying stagnant these days means falling behind. Just because a technique is old, doesn’t mean it’s obsolete. 

History always repeat itself, look at the comeback of vinyl of recent times. Learn from the past to adapt to the future. 

Currently my favourite creative Chef is Yujia Hu. An Italian born Chinese man who creates sho-shi. He creates Iconic trainers into pieces of sushi. His Instagram is @theonigiriart 

Who is your favourite creative chef and why? #creativity #chef #cooking #lessons #master