
Buddhism and Business

Ben Roberts

As mindfulness  plays a more important role in our lives, the noble truths of Buddhism can help us professionally. 

 In simple terms they are the truth of suffering- sometimes we struggle with our jobs and that causes us stress. 

 The truth of the end of suffering- understanding what's expected and beyond ,creating relationships and feel like belonging in the environment 

 The truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering-succeeding, feeling valued and being promoted.

 No one is perfect and the first couple of months of a new job can make for a difficult time, or an unexpected crisis cause unwanted stress. 

 Use the truths to take the time to think and reflect. 

The more answers you have, the more chances you have of success.

 It is important to be self aware. 

 And don't forget there is much more to life than work, so enjoy your weekend and make the most of the beauty out there is to offer. 

Distracting the mind often brings out the solution.