
An elephant in a China shop. Making the world a better place.

Ben Roberts

Yesterday marked the passing of Helmut Kohl. A giant of a man both physically and professionally. 

Kohl served as chancellor for 16 years from 1982 to 1998 and was Germany's longest-serving leader since 1945. He worked tirelessly for the reunification of West and East Germany, the countries separated in the ashes of World War II. He handled opposition with a mixture of force and his jovial personality. 

Reunification was his goal and in today's society we should be looking to working together more yet more and more it's against each other, from the rise of nationalism, Brexit and the behaviours of business.

I am not a big fan of politics but am a believer in making the world a better place as harmony never hurt anyone. Let's collaborate more and do so positively. We are all human and we can all make a difference.

Don't you find it better working together positively? And don't you want to make a difference?